Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Comments For Kids

Students on the school bus

We were assigned different posts on Mr. McClung's blog. I was assigned
"Just Like Riding a Bike"
He talks about how he had a student teacher for 6 weeks. This allowed him a lot of time off. He was initially excited to get some work done and have some time off. He goes on to say how much he missed his class and was anxious to get back to them. I loved this post. It is so obvious how much he cares about his students and wants to be there for them. I hope that I am a teacher like this one day! It is so important to truly care about your class. It is healthy for you and your students to get along and appreciate each other. When this occurs, optimum learning can take place! Mr. McClung seems to be an excellent teacher and I have learned quite a bit about his teaching methods.

For this comment, I was assigned Kiana from Ms. Pike's class in Sydney, Australia. Her blog was about Earth hour. This is once a year and for an hour, the whole community turns off everything electronic: phones, computers, televisions, etc. I thought this was such an awesome idea! I wish we had something like this. For an hour the world could just slow down. I think this is something we need to look into! It's only an hour, once a year, I think people could handle that.

For this comment for kids, we were assigned to Ms. Yollis's class blog. We were to explore her class blog and note how she involved the parents, students, and family members. She did an excellent job with this! She incorporated all of her students and spotlighted them for different things. This makes the student  feel special and important. The parents can access the page and see what is going on in the classroom. Tools like this are so helpful for the teachers and the parents!

I read Hannah's blog from Ms. Yollis's third grade class. Hannah is one of three girls who has earned a blog because of things like having a good attitude, being responsible, posting great comments, etc. The post that I read was about her and her sister, Leila. They take turns every year donating their hair to make wigs for children who need wigs. This is such an awesome thing! I am currently growing my hair out for this purpose as well. It was so encouraging to see these students do this! I also think that Ms. Yollis is doing an awesome job in her classroom! I love the fact that the blog is a privilege.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mary Ashley,

    Thank you for commenting on my blog. I am thrilled that you are growing your hair to donate to Locks of Love! That is exactly what I was hoping for when I did my post, to bring attention to this amazing organization.

    You are absolutely right, Mrs. Yollis is an awesome teacher! I feel very lucky to have her as my teacher. I have learned so much in her class this year.

    I hope you have a wonderful rest of the year also.

